Our Cause and Mission

They say that Chivalry is dead. However, we few at The Chivalric Fool so intensely disagree. It is no secret that we are in a war. The fighting is all around us: Good vs Evil, God vs Anti-God, Love vs Hate. The culture war we fight today is a harder battle than yesterday, and the Devil’s power refuses to wane as we approach the end of our age, and instead rages on. The world’s Corruption has exceeded the times of Noah, and at moments it would seem that the enemy is undefeatable. Some people would rather we retreat and lay down our arms. And again, we chivalrous few, so strongly disagree. For if we were to give up hope, then of what good was Christ’s sacrifice? We cannot despair. Think of all the brave Christian souls who defended the Faith; Charles Martel turning back the Turkish invaders at Tours in 732 AD, Godfrey de Bullion when he scaled the walls of Jerusalem in 1099 AD, Grandmaster Jean de la Valette charging into the breach at the Siege of Malta in 1565, and Don Juan in the Battle of Lepanto…

On October 7th, 1571, Catholics in Christendom found themselves in a much similar situation. The Ottoman Empire began their advance, their fleet undefeated and thought undefeatable. The heart of Christendom sunk into fear and Pope Pius V pleaded with Europe to defend against the infernal foe. He created the coalition of the Holy League, with Don Juan of Austria in command.

Vastly outnumbered and outgunned, the Holy League’s commander, Don Juan, distributed the Rosary to all of the soldiers on the ships in his command, and they pleaded with the Lord, keeping a miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in their presence. Just before the Holy League’s ships, formed in the shape of a cross, encountered the Ottoman Empire’s ships, formed in the shape of a crescent, a curious thing happened. The wind suddenly changed direction, coming now from behind the Holy League. With the momentum from the breath of God, the Holy league rammed the Turks’ ships. The wind change allowed the oarsmen of the Holy League to ascend to the decks and fight rather than row. On that day of battle, Don Juan danced and laughed as the cannonballs whistled passed by.

Upon Don Juan’s ship, the Real, was the brave soldier Miguel de Cervantes, who was ordered to stay below deck as he was sick with fever. But at the moment of battle, he charged out onto the deck. Almost immediately he was shot twice in the chest and a canon ball disabled his left arm. Yet he fought on, yelling his chant, “For the glory of the right!” Thus we learn that it is never wrong to be foolish for the glory of God!

“For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength”

1 Corinthians 1:25

In Chesterton’s poem, “Lepanto”, Cervantes himself likens Don Juan to an unexpected character, a hero whose truths were rejected by the world, Don Quixote, “a lean and foolish knight” that rides forever in vain. Both Don Juan and Don Quixote fought on against all odds, what seemed like a lost cause. The stunning comparison that Chesterton draws out is why we chose the windmill to represent our cause, which is ultimately that of Christian optimism, imagination, and heroism - even if our fighting seems foolish.

“But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are.”

1 Corinthians 1:27-28


Just as at Lepanto, the odds are against us, oh chivalrous knights. Though we are few against many in these times, we refuse the mere mention or notion of retreat. We take up our Sword, the Rosary, and our Arrows, the Truth of the Gospel, and we beat the drum of our heart for the New Day that will dawn at the end of our long and perilous war! For we fight not for us, but for the Lord! For His Mercy and for His Justice!

Our principles and our creed are Catholic, our cause is for the Glory of what is Right, for the Glory of God. And the world retreats at His Glorious presence.

Our mission is to fight this war with chivalry, without tiring, without halting our arrows of Truth and the swings of our Swords from our many prayers. We fight for Christ and the Will of His Father. Even though the world may deem us foolish, like Don Quixote fighting windmills, we fight on, for we are the Chivalric Fools!

For the Glory of the Right!!!

Don Quixote.jpg

Inspiration for this movement is credited to this article from Crisis Magazine