The Time is Now

There is no time to be quiet. No time to be mediocre. No time to be normal Catholics. No. Not today. Not in this modern world ripe with wickedness. We must shout from the rooftops, excel in spirituality, and be extraordinary Catholics.

The room we’re in is burning. Vice, sin, temptations, and the devil and his demons scorch the world with evils beyond what any prior generation thought possible. Souls fall into hell like a storm of raindrops. Are we just going to sit back and let that happen!? Not today!!! The devil will not get his victory, not on our watch!

Go to confession, get in the state of Grace, and more Graces will flow to achieve the ends of Heaven.

It is time to become great Saints. We must be loud in the world! It is the only way! Maybe future generations will not have to be as such in order to save souls, but we do. It is our time to rise up. To be great, not for ourselves, but for the Glory of God!

It is true, the gates of hell are at our doors, but they will not prevail!

Let us rise up! Fight! For the Glory of the Right!!!

Saint Mary, Queen of Victory, pray for us!!!

All you angels and saints, so that we may achieve these goals for the Greatest Glory, that of God’s, pray for us!

Jesus, we trust in You!


The Faith of a Few


A Strong Storm